Advizex Spotlight: Q&A with the Automation Team
What makes Advizex great? Our people. So, we want to showcase the individuals and teams who each contribute their expertise to support customers’ goals and create business value. For this spotlight, we sat down with our Automation team for a Q&A to learn more about their roles, accomplishments, and the tech trends they are most excited about.

Q: What’s your favorite part of your day-to-day job?
Bobie: The ability to work on diverse cloud technologies, and meeting and supporting diverse clients across various industries makes my job fulfilling.
John: When a new task finally runs correctly and does what it’s supposed to do. Nothing beats that tiny little rush.
Melvin: Staying up-to-date with new emerging technology and solving customers problems with automation.
Q: Describe the Advizex Cloud & Automation team in 3 words.
Bobie: Insightful, customer-centric, excellence
John: Smart as heck
Melvin: Knowledgeable, supportive, committed
Q: Who are some of your biggest inspirations within the company?
Bobie: Joe Clark insight on cloud technologies and C.R Howdyshell’s style of leadership are quite inspirational to me.
John: Jeff Russell, Patrick Stasko, Morgan Jackson, Joe Clarke, Nemtallah Daher, Melvin Lewis…I could go on for a while.
Melvin: Joe Clarke, Joseph Mixon, John Greene
Q: What sets our Cloud & Automation practice apart from competitors?
Bobie: The drive of individual team members to pursue excellence in their deliveries and provide customers value is something that makes Advizex Cloud outstanding.
John: The people. I’ve been doing this stuff for two decades and have never worked with a more driven, capable group of people.
Melvin: Though we have experience with certain platforms, our approach to solve a customer’s pain point is platform agnostic. First, understand the pain point/problem, and then let’s find a solution/platform that will best solve said pain point/problem.
Q: What tech trend or new technology product are you most excited about?
Bobie: Containers and Kubernetes.
John: Generative AI. It’s looking like it could eliminate of lot of the most boring and tedious parts of what we do.
Melvin: Generative AI platforms, such as ChatGPT, are something that I am personally excited about. Platforms like this can be used with caution to aid automation efforts by generating or converting scripts/code in multiple languages.
Q: Here’s your chance to brag! Tell us about a time you were particularly proud of someone on your team.
Bobie: Akhil, Leo, and I worked on an AWS tech deployment for a client in the SLED vertical. The level of professionalism, promptness, and technical know-how from all consultants was just top-notch.
Melvin: Leo Adu-Darko and Bobie Ansah are the latest addition to our team. They have been able to tackle some complex engagements for the team.
Q: Why Advizex?
Bobie: It feels more like “us” than “I.” (It feels like a family.)
John: Again, the people. “If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.” My time with Advizex has been filled with a lot of the right rooms. I’m constantly having to learn and improve to keep up, and I also have an amazing team I can lean on when outside of my areas of expertise.
Melvin: The people. We have very talented and knowledgeable members in the organization. Always willing to lend a hand and help when needed. Also, the management and leadership are willing to invest in employees.
We hope you enjoyed getting to know our Automation team! If you are interested in learning more about Cloud & Automation Services with Advizex, please contact Joseph Mixon,